
By being an editor and a member of the management team of the JCIA journal (a new journal in UUM), I will be exposed to many scholarly activities in a long run.jcia logo.png

Diversifying activities during teaching sessions will keep the students awake and continuously rejuvenate students' curiosity.

Today's students do not learn the way we've  learned in the past. 21st century students are different. We need 21st century pedagogies to address their learning needs.

There are 3 different types of learning pedagogies or perspectives:

i) Personalised and customised learning

ii) Project and problem based learning

iii) Participatory 

I would use project and problem based learning + personalised and customized learning for part time students. On the other hand, project and problem based learning +participatory learning for full time students.

I need to give more attention to my part time students, in order to grasp their interest.

However, both group of students need project/problem based learning because it helps them to apply the knowledge in real-world context.

In the meanwhile, participatory learning for full time students will help them to be more independent and mature in terms of understanding and managing themselves and their studies at the same time. This is the skill they need to have as working adults soon.